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Remedo Clinitech


The Tele-consultation product of company Remedo Clinitech Private Limited is called Remedo Clinitech  and it has been available since 2016. The solution providers value cost reduction the most. Their business model is B2B2C and also has an option of white labelling the product.

Size of Healthcare Provider

The categories of healthcare providers that this solution can cater to are:

a) Individual clinician

Level of Specialization

The solution lends itself to use in the following levels of clinical specialisations:

a) Primary care

Expert Panel Evaluation

Doctors have their own profile page there and the link to that page is required for booking appointments by the consulting patients (Send the link to patient, link is for doctor is profile). In terms of compliance, application providers have mechanisms associated with the platform to validate registration details of doctors either with the help of the support team, oral confirmation by doctor, manual (personal) confirmation. Patients appointments are shown on the page, and records are accessible to share with other doctors. Patients can book appointments with the doctor only when the doctor adds the patient into the platform. A patient cannot search for a doctor on the platform. The patient needs to know the doctor’s URL to consult the doctor. This URL can be shared by the patient to other parties who can in turn use it to book an appointment.

The platform requires doctors to switch between multiple applications including web and mobile for consultation, video calling and note taking. Doctors are not having the option to minimize video in the user interface. The url of doctor-patient interaction can be accessed on a web interface for parallel working using a combination of web+mobile devices. Doctors can interact with patients in only synchronous manner and only video interaction is available during the consultation. Post Consultation the doctor can choose to keep a chat channel open for the patients to ask their queries (this chat could be paid and controlled by a doctor, post consultation). During the consultation, a chat option is not available. multi party consultation not possible.  Doctors are expected to click images and upload images of hand written prescription. Note taking is in SOAP format i.e., complaint, examination and drugs, and then prescription. They also have an EMR (Electronic Medical Record) feature and can add digital record for patients. Both doctor and patient could initiate the call, one time reminder can be sent by both also. They have a facility to customize the master drug formulary and then doctor wise personalization is done. There is rule based learning of the doctor’s previous consultation pattern, it is more like suggestions from individual doctor’s formulary. Doctors could simply share the record of a patient with another doctor (consent is not taken from the patient, considered implicit). Patients have control over first time sharing records on their platform, but once shared with doctors they can share across without consent. Video recording is not allowed. 

There are two versions for platform solutions for doctors. In case of proprietary EMR integration, prescription is generated with e-signature (or scanned signature) that is embedded in the document. Without EMR, doctors can issue prescriptions by clicking images and uploading the same.  Doctors could customize care specific programmes for example chronic condition management. There are multiple health programs available where the doctor can add the patient to any health plan such as pregnancy care plan, diabetic care plan etc. Awareness videos and health updates are available for the patient in the health plan program.

Application UI has English and Hindi options. Rural reach of solution is enabled because of providing audio calling facility (tele masked number to make call is shared with patient) and link of prescription is included in SMS to patient (URL is send, it remains active for a week), SMS link becomes inactive after that expiration period, but it is available on cloud storage at provider’s end. Care-giver (dependant)– family profile option is there, and main members of the family can access records and manage records. Family members can be added using separate phone numbers and all details are accessible to the main profile owner / manager. Multiparty or group calls are not possible. There is an option for the patient to give feedback after the consultation.

No standards have been implemented as recommended by EHRSI-2016 and NDHB. No health data exchange standard supported. Basic security standards are implemented like encrypted connection and role based login (access control). Consent is implicit everywhere.  

Additional Features

The solution also ensures following features:

a) Dependant / family profiling ( on the same account) 

b) Multilingual

Solution Maturity Level

a) TPG compliant: 3a 

b) Feature complexity: 3b [Partial]