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My Healthbook – MedTrail Technologies Private Limited


The Tele-consultation product of company MedTrail Technologies Private Limited is called My Healthbook and it has been available since 2017. The solution providers value clinical outcomes the most. Their business model is B2B and also has an option of white labelling the product. They provide both mobile and web-based applications for the doctors. They also provide mobile applications for patients.

Size of Healthcare Provider

The categories of healthcare providers that this solution can cater to are:

a) Individual Clinician 

b) Clinics 

c) Nursing Home/Small Hospital (less than 100 beds)

Level of Specialization

The solution lends itself to use in the following levels of clinical specialisations:

a) Primary care

b) Secondary care 

c) Tertiary care

Expert Panel Evaluation

The platform has an easy to use interface for doctors and has features to support clinical consultation workflows for doctors during teleconsultation.  Doctors customize the profile page and that includes consultation appointments along with  payment type & options, and they can share this page across social media platforms for booking appointments with them. It is a product predominantly for doctors and gives more flexibility to doctors in terms of scheduling the appointment and managing the patient calls. The patient can only call at the pre-allocated time and if doctors are not free the patient is expected to wait for doctors. While the doctor could call before and after scheduled time as well. Automatic call is triggered to both doctor and patient. Doctors can use systems without much technology competency (digitization of hand written records is a facility in the features).

The platform provides asynchronous multimode interaction i.e., audio, video, chat post consultation. Doctors are required to switch the screen or close video calling before giving prescription and taking notes. Platform also has a drawing pad facility to explain to the patients with illustrations. Doctors have the option of uploading the click image of a prescription or writing on a digital pad (which is a separate integrated into this solution). Since the prescription is written on a digital pad, there is no template for it. Prescription on digital pad is converted into digital form. Patient gets a digitized prescription. The prescription is verified by a senior pharmacist. Patients get a digitized copy of prescription (only medication and diagnostic test), digitized copy of prescription is sent to doctor for validation before sharing with patient. They are using machine learning for verification and image to text conversion. If a specific segment cannot be digitized the doctor is required to correct the prescription before it is shared with the patient. There is no feature on the platform to check prescription  of restricted drugs, it has to be done in the manual verification stage by doctors. 

Patients can manage their profile, upload details before consultation but not during consultation. Concurrent chat facility is not available. However,  Doctors could chat with patients, post consultation. A patient cannot search for a doctor on the platform. The patient needs to know the doctor’s URL to consult the doctor and it can also be shared among patients to book an appointment. In short, the patient needs to know the doctor’s URL to fix an appointment with the doctor. Every patient login requires an OTP. They get an SMS from the call center number indicating the helpline number for support. Multi party calling is not there. It allows people to take appointments on behalf of family members/loved ones using the URL and only if the doctor adds the patient to the solution. It also facilitates features where doctors can share educational / promotional contents. Currently there is no option to create a family profile or caregiver profile.

The solution has provision to exchange data. ICD-10 for diagnosis and LOINC for lab tests has been implemented. HL7 messaging standard is implemented to exchange data with other applications. Security standards like encrypted connection, access control, digital certificate etc. are implemented.

In terms of compliance, a patient has to agree to terms and conditions before registering into the system, but no consent is available for every encounter. 

Additional Features

The solution also ensures following features:

a) Patient education templates are available.

Solution Maturity Level

a) TPG compliant: 2

b) Feature complexity: 4 [Partial]