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hPod – India Health Link Private Limited


The Tele-consultation product of company India Health Link Private Limited is called hPod and it is available from 2019. The solution providers value clinical outcomes the most. Their business model includes both B2B and B2C.

Size of Healthcare Provider

The categories of healthcare providers that this solution can cater to are:

a) Individual 

b) Clinician

Level of Specialization

The solution lends itself to use in the following levels of clinical specialisations:

a) Primary care

Expert Panel Evaluation

The platform requires basic technology proficiency from doctors and patients to navigate applications/screens. They have modules to train and onboard the doctor.

Doctors cannot interact with patients in synchronous manner as the screen of the video call is separate from the note taking window. Doctors can chat during video consultation and upload/share documents with patients and chat can be done only after  initiating a video call. This platform supports basic clinical workflow in terms of writing subjective details and objective clinical diagnosis along with assessment and planning. Interface feature for medication and other investigations order is multiple-click. The platform provides integration with generic drug databases (proprietary drug formulary). Restriction on drugs is possible.

In order to provide good consulting experience to patients, the doctor’s side of the interface has facilities to manage appointments, sending reminders via email and provides a facility to initiate cancellation. 

Prescription is shared with the patient and uploaded in the patient’s application account for future use. Patient gets a link/email to access prescription records. They also have contacts with local pharmacies to facilitate home delivery of medications. 

Providers claimed that the solution is HIPAA compliant. No other data storage and exchange standards are supported. Doctors can take explicit video call consent (terms and condition of use) for patients for every tele-consultation session. Patients can provide feedback for teleconsultation.

Unique Features

The solution also ensures following features:

a) Integration with kiosk

Solution Maturity Level

a) TPG compliant:  3b

b) Feature complexity:   3b