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HODO Healzapp – HODO Medical Informatic Solutions


The Tele-consultation product of company HODO Medical Informatic Solutions is called HODO Healzapp and it has been available since 2013. The solution providers value clinical outcomes the most. Their business model is  B2C and B2B2C.

Size of Healthcare Provider

The categories of healthcare providers that this solution can cater to are:

a) Individual Clinician

b) Clinics

c) Nursing Home/Small Hospital (less than 100 beds)

Level of Specialization

The solution lends itself to use in the following levels of clinical specialisations:

a) Primary care

Expert Panel Evaluation

The platform has  an  easy to use interface for doctors. Doctors can do advertising by writing blogs (info provided to patients). The platform also supports doctor performance in terms of time-efficiency by providing the user an interface which requires minimum clicks and has easily navigable screens. Platform also has features for  easy documentation of complaints, symptoms, and prescriptions in the same search toolbar, which makes it user friendly. Previous patient data is easy to access. 

Doctors can interact with patients in both synchronous and asynchronous manner. The platform provides multimode interaction i.e., audio, video, chat, text/SMS and link sharing. Chat box and history of the patient is available to the doctor before meeting the doctor. Doctors could interact with patients using audio/video call while simultaneously taking notes i.e. noting clinical condition, writing prescription  and entering data concurrently. The platform allows doctors to take private notes. This solution supports basic clinical workflow in terms of writing subjective details and objective clinical diagnosis along with assessment and planning. Templates are available for the doctors for writing prescriptions including treatment/medication and other investigations as and when required. Doctors providing speciality specific consultation can customize the application dashboard and layout as per their requirements and prescription. Platform supports writing prescriptions with basic requirements mandated by TPG guidelines. Doctors are supported with quick prescription writing by rule based access to frequently used (favorite) drugs. 

The application is easy to use for patients. Patient side of the interface provides keywords based doctor search and specialty search facilities. Patients have the facility to upload documents and enter vitals which doctors can access. Log in is OTP protected, which requires verification to log in.  The appointment can be rescheduled or canceled only by the clinic with  the help of a receptionist. The patient cannot do it by themselves.  Waiting room facility is available where the patients are queued up in order. Sharing the medical details can be done from the patient’s side before the commencement of the consultation or during the consultation in which case the doctor shares a link and the patient uploads the data graphical representation of multiple health data is available. Patient gets a link to access prescription records. Prescriptions are sent as Email as well; in which case it is password protected. Multiple profiles can be managed in the same account and not integrated with medical devices.  Bar graphs – the patient can see their improvement, trends and pathway based treatment. The platform providers also arrange training and education of patients.

Application supports multi party calling making it suitable for multiple doctors in the call simultaneously (for multidisciplinary care and discussions).  Application  also facilitates sharing case records (referral) by providers. It also allows them to take appointments on behalf of family members / loved ones. Platform also respects family members / loved ones/autonomy as it gives them control over managing their records. Dependent profile management can be done and group  calls can be made  where family members can be a part of the same consultation from another location. 

The platform has provision to exchange data. It is claimed that the solution has ICD-10 for diagnosis with master tables for drugs, procedures, tests, etc. The system can exchange pre-consultation (FHIR). Platform has integration with lab systems based on ASTM protocol. The system uses Google cloud platform for storage. The system has auto lock feature and role-based access control. Restricting drugs in prescription is there. Decision tree (pathway based treatment) is implemented and regional language based health records can be created for medical advice, etc.

Unique Features

The solution also ensures following features:


b) Single toolbar for various components of note-writing

Solution Maturity Level

a) TPG compliant:  3a

b) Feature complexity:  5 [partial]