HealthAnlytx Pvt ltd

HealthAnlytx is a data-driven company that collects and analyses all your lifestyle and medical records to provide you keen insights about your health. We leverage Big Data to provide personalized care, prevent diseases, and create a specific health path for each person.

Type of Services

Personalized Healthcare to Users based on their past and present health using analytics based solutions, Tele Consultation for patients/caregivers/remote HCW – Virtual OPD/Clinic

Business Model

Business-to-Business, Business-to-Customer (B2C), Software-as-a-service Application (SAAS), Telemed Module of Collaboration Platform

Mode of Interaction


Type of Solution

Mobile App, Web Application

Type of interactivity

Chatbot, email, SMS, Video, Whatsapp

Clinical-Tech capability

Clinical Notes as Text Input, Drugs, ePrescription and Advice, Integration with EHR, Integration with PHR, Master data of Lab tests, Structured Data Capture, Symptoms and Diseases helping the Doctor to capture the data in structured format

Data capture capability

Appointment Booking, Demographic Details, Upload Video and images, Uploading previous consultation document, Vitals like height and weight

Type of Consultations

Counselling, First Time Visit, Follow-up, Second Opinion

Adherence to TPG, 2020

Advise/Counselling on next action, Age and Sex, Announce Doctors name to patient before encounter, Capture Patients Name, Generate ePrescription allowed as per TPG (ref Annexure 2 for format), Get Patients eConsent for Tele-consultation, Keep a record of Teleconsultation, Patient Feedback after consultation, Protect Privacy and Confidentiality of Tele consult

Adherence-Statutory laws

Information Technology Act of India

Applicable HIT standards

None of the above, other medical documents and Patients Demographics and life style data. All the data are stored securely with proper data encryption., we have a basic Medical Documents storage module which can capture Patient's prescriptions

Type of IT Infrastructure

Cloud Hosting, Laptop/PC with Wifi, Smartphone or Tablet with 4G Sim or Wifi

Number of daily Users




List on Telemed Repository



Date of Incorporation


Product operational since
