Audicor Cardiometrics Pvt. Ltd.

Type of Services

Remote Patient Monitoring at Home, Specialized Tele Services like Teleradiology, Tele ICU and other Teleservices within the hospital, TeleCardiology

Business Model

Connected Medical Device

Mode of Interaction


Type of Solution

Connected Medical Device

Type of interactivity

Remote monitoring through connected medical devices

Clinical-Tech capability

Highly specific real time biomarkers for monitoring cardiac function

Data capture capability

Capture highly specific biomarkers non invasively to monitor heart function.

Type of Consultations

Counselling, Doctors Panel Review, Emergency, First Time Visit, Follow-up, Second Opinion, Tele Monitoring using connected devices

Adherence to TPG, 2020

Generate ePrescription allowed as per TPG (ref Annexure 2 for format), Get Patients eConsent for Tele-consultation, Keep a record of Teleconsultation, Protect Privacy and Confidentiality of Tele consult

Adherence-Statutory laws

Global Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Compliance, Information Technology Act of India, Personal Data Protection Bill (Pending in Parliament) Compliance

Applicable HIT standards

HL7, ICD 10

Type of IT Infrastructure

Bluetooth and Wifi connectivity with medical devices, Cloud Hosting, Feature Phone, Laptop/PC with Wifi, Smartphone or Tablet with 4G Sim or Wifi

Number of daily Users



The biomarkers and scores provide accurate status of overall heart function which has a higher clinical value for aiding a more precise clinical decision.

List on Telemed Repository

