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7Sugar – Sensai healthcare Inc

The Tele-consultation product of company Sensai healthcare Inc is called 7Sugar and it has been available since 2018. The value proposition of this product as claimed by the company is cost reduction above all other features. The business model is B2B and B2C both with the option of white labelling the product. They provide mobile based applications for the doctors as well as the patients.

Size of Healthcare Provider

a. Individual Clinician

b. Clinics

c. Nursing Home/Small Hospital (less than 100 beds)

d. Hospital

Level of Specialization

a. Primary

b. Secondary

c. Tertiary

Expert Panel Evaluation
Doctors can interact with patients in only a synchronous manner. The solution provides multimode interaction i.e. Video, Audio, Text/SMS. Doctors could interact with patients using audio/video call while simultaneously taking notes i.e. noting clinical condition. Vitals are displayed to doctors at the time of synchronous interaction and communication. Doctors can type prescriptions which are plain text notes. Each doctor has two care teams. Prescription format is scanned or just chat. The notes are given in the comment section as a chat or doctors can edit in the template and share prescriptions. Private notes are shared among doctors and various care plans can be assigned. Audit trail is maintained. Qualification and other details of the provider are available to the patient (patient can see doctor profile). Consent is implicit and it is part of terms and conditions of the application i.e. during the onboarding process of a patient they give consent.

It is one patient as one user system but at the time of demo, had plans on having a family or buddy system. No doctor discovery feature, rather a patient has to choose a doctor from their application, goto payment. Before the video call reminder is sent to the patient and doctor. smartphone use is mandatory, limiting its use-case.

Additional Features
Useful only for Diabetes
Provides Dietary and Exercise Plans customised for diabetes
Integration with LibrePro (Glucose Monitoring System)

Solution Maturity Level

a. TPG complaint: 3b

b. Feature complexity: 3b